Everything You Need To Know About Your New Quartz Countertop

newly installed quartz countertops in kitchen

In this blog, we tell you everything you need to know about quartz countertops, so that you can make a more informed decision.

The term “engineered stone” is perhaps the one that most correctly describes a quartz countertop. It is not something that occurs in nature. It is a mixture of over 94% quartz crystals by weight mixed with a bonding agent and other materials, and at the conclusion of the process, what you get is a compound substance that does not occur in nature and is impenetrable. Because of this, quartz countertops provide a surface that is not only complete but also sanitary, non-porous, and resistant to scratching, stains, and moisture.

How is quartz made?

Quartz is produced by a method that is protected by a patent and is referred to as the Compaction by Vibrocompression Vacuum Process. This method was developed by a firm in Italy known as Bretton stone, which is the owner of the procedure. During the 1960s and 1970s, they worked on developing this. And they own the patent for the method that is used to make quartz countertops anywhere in the globe.

To summarize, you start with pieces of quartz mineral that have been crushed, then you add a resin, some colours, and some fillers before pouring the mixture into the mould. The mould is next subjected to a vacuum sealing process, after which it is agitated and squeezed. The result is an engineered stone of unrivalled quality, which is what you get at the conclusion of the process.

Up to sixty of these slab plants may be found all over the world thanks to Breton Stone. The Bretton stone factories are used by every major and respectable quartz supplier in the world to manufacture the slabs that they sell. We are able to claim with absolute certainty that their product contains 94% by weight of the crystal quartz because the patent tells us that this is exactly what is present. In addition, it is consistent across all of the facilities.

What sets Cambria, Caesarstone, Silestone, Labtech, and Cosentino apart from all of the other main brands that are now available?

The answer to your question is that there is no difference in quality between the slabs produced by any of these companies because all of them employ the Bretton stone patent in the production process.

What sets each firm distinct from the others is the unique colour combinations that they employ in order to provide customers with a wide selection of alternatives for their quartz slabs. On the other hand, if anyone attempts to convince you that a specific brand is of higher quality than another brand, you may unequivocally assert that this is not the case and that they are not. Since they are all produced using the same patented method, the quality is consistent across the board.

Is there a difference in quality between some of the quartz countertops?

The correct response is “yes.” Even though we just mentioned that the Bretton stone patent technique is used by every major company in the world to manufacture quartz slabs, we want to clarify something. That does not imply that each and every business in the globe adopts the same method. There were some businesses who attempted to get around this by going their own route. As a consequence, the slap that is delivered is not always of the highest calibre.

In this line of work, we’ve seen slabs that have melted, scraped, cracked, shattered, and pretty much every other kind of defect imaginable. In addition, there is a question regarding the safety of food. Just because you don’t use the Bretton stone patent doesn’t mean you can’t make a quality product. However, I would question whether or not I would want to use that product because it has been demonstrated over the course of the years that this technology and this method of manufacturing quartz slabs is the best in the world.

Is it safe to put food on a quartz countertop?

Yes, if it is a slab that is created by a Breton stone slab factory and has been awarded the NSF 51 certification, which is a recognition of its high level of food safety from the National sanitary foundation. With this certification, you can be certain that the Quartz kitchen countertop in your house adheres to the standards of cleanliness recommended by the public health sector.

However, as we’ve said before, this patent is not utilized in every region of the world. If this is the situation, then it is of the utmost importance to examine whether or not they have the NSF 51 certification, as if they do not, then the slab in question could not be suitable for consumption. In addition to this, there are two distinct certifications to choose from. You can have safety in the food zone, and you can also have safety in the splash zone.

The regulations for the safety of the slab zone are far less stringent than those of the food zone. It is not necessarily safe for use in food zones simply because it bears the NSF 51 certification. If you are purchasing your quartz countertop from a company that you have never heard of and the prices are really low, then there are some things that you should ask before making your purchase.

Is a countertop made of quartz good for the environment?

It is interesting to note that the material that is used for quartz countertops is entirely recycled rock and stone from quarries and other rock beds. There is no one specific quarrying procedure that is designed to extract all of the minerals. It’s all the material that was left over. Since it is entirely made from recycled materials, it is particularly kind to the environment.

In addition, the resins that are used as the bonding agents are fully inert, which means that they do not react with anything, resulting in the production of a material that is hypoallergenic. Therefore, you won’t have to be concerned about things like off-gassing or inhaling substances from your countertop.

How much does it cost to have a countertop made of quartz installed?

This is a really interesting point to consider. If you see things like low-grade, mid-grade, and high-grade costs, as well as other terminology of this kind, we would start to wonder what they are talking about. The rationale for this is that there shouldn’t be any distinctions in quality between the slabs as they are all manufactured in the same way. If that is the case, then there shouldn’t be a difference in price between a low grade and a high grade in the first place. They should never be priced based on their quality because the quality is consistent across all of them, but it does not imply that there will not be different price ranges.

If you come across anything like this, you should immediately start inquiring about it, but keep in mind that you are paying for the slab’s thickness. You are not only paying for the size of the slab, but also for the colour options that are available in that particular slab that you are selecting. For example, the price of a slab that is uniformly coloured will be lower than the price of a slab that has veins, pieces of metal, bits of glass, or mirrors. These slabs are likely to have a higher price tag since there are additional steps involved in the manufacturing process.

Compared to that, a simple colour like grey or white or anything else will require a far lower amount of material. In addition, there is always the mark-up that is incurred by the business from whom you purchase the quartz. Therefore, depending on the business that you are purchasing it from, they may have a mark-up of anywhere from 20 to 25 percent, perhaps less, possibly more; it all depends on what they think they need to gain from that particular product. You also have to pay for the fees of installation and manufacturing, as well as the many edges and finishes that you may choose from. All of these things add up to an additional cost.

Therefore, there are a lot of factors that contribute to its expense of it. If you keep coming across adverts for quartz countertops offered at ridiculously low costs, you should certainly give some thought to what you’re buying and inquire further about the product. Inquire with the salesman whether or not this firm employs the stone technique developed in Breton for their slabs. In most large businesses and establishments that use a renowned brand, you can be confident that they are using something that is coming from a Breton stone plant. However, if you are someplace and it’s a name you’ve never heard of, you should make it a point to inquire about the origin of the stone.

What is the most effective method for maintaining and cleaning your quartz countertop?

Using only a gentle detergent, little water, and some dish soap to clean your quartz kitchen countertop or bathroom countertop is the most effective method.

Will stains show up on a quartz countertop?

Quartz countertops are really susceptible to staining if the right conditions aren’t met. Your countertop may become discoloured if you write with a marker on it, if you put sodium hydroxide on it, or if you use some types of solvents. However, if you do manage to get your hands on a permanent marker, you need to keep an eye out for your children while they are playing with it since they will quickly cover it with drawings. It’s possible that you’ll need to use something more powerful to wipe it clean.

Is quartz countertop heat resistant?

The answer is yes, quartz kitchen countertops can withstand temperatures of up to around 700 degrees Celsius. We’re not sure what the circumstances are in your house, but generally, people don’t put anything on their countertops that’s hotter than 700 degrees Celsius. Having said that, it is always recommended that you use a trivet or some sort of heat-dispersing tray just so that you may be extra careful.

This is merely to ensure that you do not burn yourself and your countertop, despite the fact that these are extremely hard surfaces and they can withstand high temperatures. It is usually a good idea to use anything like this as a precaution in case you end up damaging it.

Is a quartz countertop susceptible to chipping?

Absolutely, everything can be chipped if you put your mind to it. However, if you are careful and use common sense, there is very little probability that you will chip a quartz countertop. One of the key advantages of quartz countertops is its durability.

If you do manage to chip it, it is quite unlikely that the problem will be covered by the warranty because it is something that you most likely did to trigger the problem. However, if anything does occur and a quartz countertop does become chipped, it is possible to fix the damage, and in most cases, this should not be something that causes you concern.

Is there a guarantee for quartz purchases?

You should verify with the specific company that you are purchasing it from, but in general, the warranties are pretty strong. Most firms provide either a 15-year to 25-year or even lifetime transferrable warranties, but you should check with that particular company. In addition, they cover everything that a typical warranty would on any given equipment, which is a huge plus. You are not going to be protected if you do something to the countertop that causes it to become damaged, but you are going to be covered for any manufacturing flaws that arise throughout the lifetime of that countertop.

Can I have a quartz countertop that is one continuous piece?

It is conceivable, but it will depend on the size of the slab that you pick as well as the scope of the work that has to be done. You should be able to cut your entire countertop out of a single slab of material if the task and your arrangement let it. However, if you are unable to do so, you will need to incorporate a seam. Quartz countertops have exceptionally good seams. And at times, it’s difficult to even see it.

Can I get a quartz countertop with a heating element?

You can get a wire mesh that installs underneath your quartz countertop, and it’s basically an electric mesh that sends a current through and generates heat. This heat will dissipate through your quartz countertop, warming it up as it does so. You can get this wire mesh from a number of different retailers. It is something that is frequently utilized in the production of pottery, flooring, and other similar products. Additionally, it is utilized in a variety of other applications. In addition to that, they can utilize it on your countertop.

It’s quite neat to look at. It’s not something that’s done very often, but it is possible. Therefore, you should be aware that you have the option to have a warm countertop if it is something that is essential to you.

Should I seal my quartz countertop before using it?

Your quartz countertop does not require any kind of sealing at all.